tips and advice
- Moisturize your skin with lotions developed for sunbeds, preferably before and after your tanning session. Tanning lotions and creams prepare your skin for UV exposure, reducing the drying effects of tanning.
- Remove jewellery and cosmetics, deodorants and perfume. Best results are obtained after a shower or a bath.
- DO NOT use sunblock lotions as this defeats the purpose of using a sunbed. Reduce exposure by reducing the time spent on the bed and build your tan slowly.
- Always wear protective eye goggles designed for sunbed use.
- Goggles are supplied free of charge with all our beds.
- Always start your tanning with the recommended time, never start with the maximum time on the first few exposures. Too long on early sessions can cause burning instead of tanning.
- While tanning switch off all appliances such as tumble dryer/emersion heaters etc. These can reduce the power available to the tanning bed and slightly reduce the output strength of the UV tubes.
- For best results clean the perspex on the lie down beds after each use with a damp cloth or antibacterial spray.
It can take up to 48 hours after UV exposure for your tan to fully develop.
view all of our sunbeds
People turn to tanning for many reasons; to look and feel healthy, to minimize the risk of sunburn while on holiday, for U.V. therapy to aid healing and skin ailments and to relax.

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Coleraine, UK |

safetan NI.

85 University Street
Belfast BT71HP



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© Safetan Sunbed Hire – 2019
Designed and build by No79 Design